Thursday, May 05, 2005

PDC, the Burnside Bridgehead, and one Crazy Motherfucker

Ok. I know that this violates my Bojack boycott, but I thought his exam yesterday was fair all round, and you have to read this.

The PDC is gonna be in a whole lotta trouble after the Oregonian, Willie Week, Randy Leonard, and Portland Communique are through with them.

Beam has appealed the PDC's decision to give the Bridgehead contract to Opus. Meanwhile Opus PR guy (who also happens to be on the payroll at the PDC), Than Clevenger, has had an extremely embarrassing public meltdown over at Portland Communique. Be sure to read his comments.

Meanwhile, with Don Mazziotti on his way out, the Mayor wants PDC to hold off on its final decision of the appeal until after the change of guard at the agency June 30.

While I've often wondered why people like Jack were so anti-PDC, the way the Bridgehead decision was handled was obviously not on the up and up.

Incidentally, Mayor Potter's new Bureau Innovation Project calls for changes at the PDC as well.

Exam proscrastination doesn't get any better than this.


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