Almost There (stay on target, stay on target)
In just one week I will be sitting in a hotel ballroom taking the Bar Exam. I am getting impatient, mostly because I just do not have the attention span needed to do this anymore. It's the same reason I prefer quarters to semesters, I just lose interest after awhile and need to do something different.
I have had the exact same schedule now for weeks. Wake up 7am, eat breakfast, check email, study. 9am, go on bike ride or run. 10:30am hit the books. Noon take a shower and eat lunch. 1pm to 6pm study. 6pm eat and watch Simpsons. 8-11pm study. Go to bed.
This is a totally manageable schedule, it would even be sustainable, if I could just have a couple of days off. But right now it is so boring my head might burst.
Yesterday was the 1st time I'd driven my car in over a week. It was covered in cobwebs.
I want to sleep in. I want to have a screwdriver with breakfast. I want to go on a hike. I want to sit in the sun and read novels. I want to go to the beach. I want to go out to dinner.
I'd even like to paint my house, install new windows in my bedroom and cut down the ugly bushes in front.
I just gotta stay focused for another week.
If anyone can do it, you most certainly can. And don't be afraid to take a bit of time for yourself. You must remain sane for at least one week and a bit of time to relax will not hurt.
Just be sure to tell me when I need to start calling you Ms. Fancy Pants, Esq.
PS - I'm sharing my birthday mojo with you on the 27th so you'll do fine!
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